St John’s (14th Farnworth) Cubs Closed in April 2017
St John’s Cubs in the 2000’s

It is with great sadness to report the death of a former (14 th Farnworth) St John’s
Group Scout Leader, Colin Hilton, on 6 th October 2019.
Colin attended St John’s School and Church. He joined the 14 th Farnworth St John’s
Cubs (there were no Beavers in those days) in 1955 and never left the Scout
Movement. He became a Scout and gained the ‘Queens Scout’ award, before
becoming St John’s Scout Leader, Group Scout Leader and Farnworth District
Colin was instrumental in setting up the first ‘Beaver Colony’ in the district, at St
John’s in 1982.
Throughout his service to the movement, he organized many Gang Shows, Scout
Camps and encouraged hundreds of Scouts to work towards their scouting badges
and achievements.
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts ‘Flower Festival’ Display September 2001.
The 14th Farnworth (St John’s) Beavers, Cubs and Scouts sponsored a floral arrangement, depicting the hymn ‘O Jesus I Have Promised’, at the church’s Flower Festival celebrating the 175th birthday of St John’s Church. The event was held from Friday 7th September to Sunday 9th September 2001.
St George's Day Service at St John's Church on Sunday 27th April 2014.
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, from Bolton South with Farnworth District took part in the St George's Day Parade, which started at 2.00pm at the Cenotaph in Farnworth Park. They then paraded up Market Street, turning left onto Church Street, before being welcomed at St John Church. The service was conducted by Rev'd Carol Pharaoh and was attended by over 230 members of the Scout movement, friends and parents.
During the service Johnny Lewis, who has been involved in Scouting for over 70 years, was presented with the 'Silver Wolf,' the highest award in Scouting, by Colin Hilton. All the Beavers from the newly formed 12th Bolton (Rosehill) Beavers were invested.
Keith Entwistle - Leader in Charge
Thankyou to John Entwistle for the photos.
The 14th Farnworth (St John’s) Beavers, Cubs and Scouts display at the ‘Waterloo Open Weekend’ held at St John’s Church on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th October 2015.
14th Farnworth (St John’s) Scout Group

The Scout Group was very active during the year with eight Beavers, eight Cubs and five Scouts. We also had five leaders/helpers.
They were involved in a variety of activities such as map reading, knot work, cooking, crafts, first aid and a hike. However, as the year went on, numbers began to decrease and we lost leaders and helpers as well. We contacted several people who had expressed interest in joining the group but unfortunately this did not materialise.
After Christmas we were down to FIVE members with 1 leader and 1 helper. The District Commissioner was aware of our situation and came to discuss our plight. He reluctantly concluded that we would have to close the group, particularly as there was no ‘back-up’ committee in place.
It was with great sadness, that after so many years, 14th Farnworth (St John’s) Scout Group would close and for the first time since 1954, there will be no scout group associated with St John’s church.
Yours in Scouting,
Graham and Heather
Church Magazine May 2017
Our Cubs' History
We believeSt John's Cubs were originally formed in the 1930's
The 14th Farnworth (St John’s) group met, to take part in the 1997 St Georges Day Parade, at Silcoms car park, which is at the junction of Albert Road/ Kildare Street. They then paraded up Albert Road before turning onto Longcauseway on their way to St Peter’s church.
St John’s Cubs in the 1990’s

St John’s Cubs in the 1980’s
An article from the Bolton News – 18th August 2016
Click on the image below to be able to read the fullB.E.N. article
St John’s Cubs in the 1940’s

St John’s Cubs in the 1930’s
‘Guard of Honour’
The cubs formed a ‘Guard of Honour’ outside St John’s Church, at the marriage of Kitty Toms to Jim Tattersall, on 15th July 1939.
St John’s cubs held their weekly meetings in Church House, situated in the front basement of the school, until the outbreak of the Second World War in September 1939 when they were disbanded. The cubs were re-formed in 1954, when Rev Philip Arthur Wrigley was appointed vicar, and registered as the 14th Farnworth (St John’s) Cubs.
Photograph courtesy of Joan Hall (nee Tattersall)

St John’s Cubs during a visit to Kearsley Park in the late 1930’s.
This photograph was taken in the late 1930’s, during a cub’s excursion to Kearsley Park. Kearsley Mill can be seen in the background, together with the spire of Trinity Church, Prestolee.
The Cub Leader on the left of the photograph is Kitty Tattersall (nee Toms).
Photograph courtesy of Joan Hall (nee Tattersall)