Dear Friends,

I am often asked how I cope with belonging to so many different churches in three different teams.  For those who don’t know, I am split three ways, between the Farnworth, Kearsley and Stoneclough Team, the Seven Saints Team in West Farnworth and Great Lever, and two churches in the Walkden and Little Hulton Team.  I go into five different schools, both church schools and community schools, two care homes, and six churches on a regular basis.  It is important to keep my diary up to date – and not to lose it! 

So there is much to do, much to enjoy, and yes, at times it is really hectic.  I haven’t yet turned up at the wrong church on a Sunday, but you never know!  It has been good this last year or so to take part in some services in Stoneclough and at St Stephen’s, and to begin to feel part of the family in those parishes.

What I see on my travels is that every church I visit has its own way of doing things, its own traditions and practices.  Some use books, some use screens.  Some use live music, some use CDs.  As to who stands, sits or kneels for which parts of the service – well, I can never remember that.  But hopefully, in each one, whatever way it is done, worship takes place.  God’s presence is acknowledged as the Body of Christ in that parish gathers to praise him together, to hear God’s word in the Bible, to pray and to receive.  Those of us who lead services sincerely hope and pray that each person will be touched by what they experience in church, from the youngest to the oldest, and strengthened for the week ahead.  It is a privilege to be able to take part in leading worship, but a privilege with real responsibility.

I see how worship happens in six or seven churches – God is present in every service, everywhere, he sees what we do, he sees the intentions of our hearts, he sees us get it wrong sometimes.  But he loves to see us gather in his name, he rejoices when sing, he listens when we pray, and he longs to touch our hearts, if we will just open them. 


William Temple wrote:  To worship is….

to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God,

to feed the mind with the truth of God.

to purge the imagination by the beauty of God.

to open the heart to the love of God,

to devote the will to the purpose of God.


All very fine, but for me, the most important is “to open the heart to the love of God.”  It is only when we have allowed God to pour his love into us that we can begin to love others, to love our neighbours, as he requires us to.


Mother Teresa of Calcutta encouraged people to “do small things with great love.”  All of us can do this as we go about living the Christian faith in the ordinary routines of life, but we need that refilling of God’s Spirit, weekly, even daily, to help us on our way.  So, when you feel that you can’t do much – do small things, with great love, and see what God might call you to do next.  You might be surprised!

                                                        Sister Dorothy


Messy Church

For some time now the PCC has been looking at starting Messy Church.  Sounds odd?  Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults, and it involves creativity, celebration and hospitality.  It meets at a time and place that suits people who don’t already belong to church, and usually has a welcome, craft time, short and simple worship and a meal.  Most meet monthly.  It is not children’s church, and it isn’t about getting more people to come on a Sunday.  It’s church for people of all ages, wherever they are in their journey of faith.

A group of us are looking to try a pilot Messy Church morning on Saturday 8th November, and we are meeting on Wednesday 1 October at 7.30pm to begin to plan this event.  If you would like to join us, please come along, or if you aren’t available that evening, then give your name to Dorothy McGlynn, Elaine Walker or Alison Mole.

Sister Dorothy