March Blog - Rev Carol Pharaoh
March 2016
New courage, new strength,
new heart, new purpose.
There has been many a comeback over the years. From TV series to films, from boxers to football teams, from the rebuilding of Coventry Cathedral after the war to Robbie Williams re-joining the group ‘Take That’! There is evidence of comebacks in history too. For instance the year 1066, the year of the battle of Hastings. We know the Normans won but they could have very easily lost. The story goes that the English were behind a stockade. The Normans tried twice to break through. The second time they were repelled. It was rumoured that their leader was dead. The troops immediately began to lose heart. Soon they would be headlong in flight. But William pulled off his helmet and rode among his troops shouting ‘I am alive. I am still alive’. The result was tremendous and immediate. New courage. New strength. New heart. New purpose. This time they burst through the stockade and victory was won.
This story, and others like it, can be amazing, astonishing and inspiring. Yet none of these stories, extraordinary though they may be, are as amazing or wonderful as the event we celebrate from Holy Week to Easter Day. After the events of Good Friday, Jesus too, like all of the comebacks we can think of, seemed to belong to the past. He was dead and buried, as far as his enemies were concerned. But just in case, they took steps to ensure there was no way he could come back, dead or alive. They put a guard on the tomb and made the tomb secure by sealing the stone. Just in case.
Having done this, not only his enemies believed they could forget him, his friends thought so too. They believe it was all over, his life had ended. All their hopes and dreams shattered. They were shocked and bewildered and frightened the authorities would come for them next.
But Christians, of course, believe the story didn’t end there.
Easter morning came and Jesus made a comeback. He came back just as he said he would. He was alive. Victorious over death and evil. Returning to give new life to his followers. New courage. New strength. New heart. New purpose.
What do we take from the Easter message today? New courage? New strength? New heart? New purpose? New life? The Easter message has the power to transform our lives. However you are feeling today, whatever has happened, whatever might happen, take the joy of this comeback, this resurrection day out into your world, and know that the risen Christ goes with you.
Christ is risen. He is risen! Alleluia!
Yours, Carol